Monday, August 22, 2011

August Tea Review, Arbonne Essentials, Herbal Detox

Part of the joy of tea is that it is really good for you; our bodies have seven organs that can help us remove toxins through a detoxification process. These organs are the skin, colon, liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, and immune system. And sometimes it’s time to give back to those seven that gives so much for us. This month I am looking at one of my new favorite Detox Teas.
I have been cleansing the past few weeks and so I needed something to help me out, I have never felt better and I am looking forward to some new growth in the future.

My Selection is Arbonne Essentials Herbal Detox Tea: It smells great, tastes really good and helps to really keep you going (insert pun here).
Any detox tea will generally include herbs that assist in cleansing one or more organs. The key is to know which organs are in need of cleansing and then select an herbal blend to do the job, what I like about this is it combines a number of good detoxers so I don’t have to think too much about it.

So what’s in it?
The ingredients:
Milk Thistle: Which is well known for its ability to cleanse the liver and one of the best preventative herbs out there, since it cleanses and protects the liver.
Peppermint: Aside from being one of my favorite ingredients of a good herbal tea, Peppermint is also used to calm and soothe the stomach.
Dandelion: Used today for liver and gallbladder function. It’s also known as a blood purifier.
Sweet Fennel: Love the taste, and it helps to relax the intestines, and bring bloating down after a heavy meal, in fact it has been used for years as an after dinner “mint” in India and Pakistan.
Elder: This been used for hundreds of years to help with the flu, and quite well in fact. It is also used for cough, colds, fever, and inflammation.
Parsley: This is a known diuretic and cleanser.
Walnut: reduces inflammation.
Uva Ursi: I’ll be honest, I had to look this one up, I had never heard of it, but it’s a great little herb, it’s also known as bearberry and has been used since the 2nd century. It’s great for urinary tract infections, and helps heal inflammation.
Licorice: one of my other favorite herbs, it also has great detoxing power for our body, plus combined with the Sweet Fennel, it gives it a really good flavor.

Bottom line, this is a great bagged Detox tea and I would recommend it if you are about to start a cleanse or already on one, or simply if you are just looking for a good tasting herbal tea.

Link below:

Legal stuff when talking about Herbs: This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Gotta keep myself safe here. 

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