Sunday, January 22, 2012

Numi Organic Tea Moroccan Mint - Full Leaf Herbal Teasan

If you are looking for a good start into the world of Tisanes (teasans) basicly this means an Herbal drink that doesn't contain actual tea, "sans" tea, then this may be a good place to start (but you do need to like mint).

This was one of the first mint tisanes I tried years ago. It was a good intro to mint teas, and reasonably priced as well as easily accessible since you can find you it at Walmart. This has a strong mint flavor as it should and is a good tisane to get your mint whistle wet, its basically tastes just like if I made tea out of my spice cabinet mint jar. On a day when I need a bit of a refreshing pick-me-up, this can do the trick.

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